If you’re in either one of these camps, or just curious about what is out there, you might enjoy looking into the programs. This also applies to others who enjoy editing their game and making it feel more like their own, with different customizations. If you don’t have crosshairs for your game, or have “Where the hell is my crosshair?” syndrome, then a third party program is right for you. They don’t have enough contrast with the background to be effective, are horribly positioned for your eye level, or are a displeasing design. Some of the crosshairs on MMO’s and first person shooters are genuinely terrible. There are a few people out there who hate their in game crosshairs. There are a variety of programs to choose from, including Custom Desktop Logo and Hud Sight. There is an option to add a software program to your computer and it will provide an additional crosshair to games you play and enhance the playability of first person shooters and certain MMO’s.